NATEAC: New York 2016
North American Theatre Engineering & Architecture Conference 2016

Keynote Address: Mr. Reynold Levy
Author, recent President of Lincoln Center. President of the Robin Hood Foundation. Senior advisor to the private equity firm, General Atlantic. Adjunct Professor at Columbia University's School of International Affairs. A Director of First Republic Bank. A member of the board of overseers of the International Rescue Committee and the Council on Foreign Relations. A trustee of the National Book Foundation. Fellow in the Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Reynold Levy
Changing Electrical Infrastructure in the Transition to Solid-State Lighting: How's it going as of 2016 and what's the future?
Theatre consultants and engineers are still managing the myriad changes created by the transition to solid-state lighting. Predicting the rate of that transition is challenging, and this session will present an updated review of new design techniques.
Steve Terry, Electronic Theatre Controls
Angela Matchica, EwingCole Associates
Jon Sivell, Fisher Dachs Associates
Efficiency and Sustainability for Performing Arts Centers
A look into what future venues can do to run effective multiple events to fulfill their missions with long term sustainability.
Robert Heimbach
Duncan Webb
Jack Freeman, VP of Facilities and Operations, Tobin Center
The Return of the Kings – Restoring A Movie Palace's glory and Transforming Its Function
The process to convert an aging movie theatre into a multi-purpose venue in Brooklyn, New York.
Steven Ehrenberg, Director of Production.
Jeff Greene, Evergreene Architectural Arts
Adam Field, Martinez & Johnson Architecture
3D Video Mapping Technology
What is it and how will it change video in theaters?
Garth Hemphill, Jaffe-Holden
Kevin Zevchik, AV Stumpfl US
AJ Freysteinson, RABCUP
Core Values: What Makes A Great Theater?
Today's theater artists choose to perform in an ever-wider assortment of spaces - purpose built theaters, adapted buildings, temporary venues, and found spaces. As the definition of theater space continues to evolve along with the art form it contains, and as technology, commerce, and economic pressures impact artistic desires, its increasingly important to remember what it is about theater space that we truly value – our Core Values.
Joshua Dachs, Fisher Dachs Associates
Oskar Eustis, Public Theatre
Mimi Lien, Set Designer
Anne Hamburger, En Garde Arts
Gender Identity Accommodation in Performing Arts Facility Planning
Dynamic social changes, Title 9 requirements, diversity policies, and the politics of accommodating the LGBT community and others are leaving performing arts space planners wondering: What are the issues we're trying to address and how far ahead should we should be looking? Join the panel for a provocative discussion of the history, issues, and considerations of creating inclusive public - and private - spaces in performing arts venues.
Peter Scheu, Scheu Consulting
Todd Hensley, Schuler Shook, Theatre Planners
Lain Mathers, University of Illinois, Chicago
Acoustics in Multi-Use Venues
Modern venues need to support a wide range of programming to be successful and ensure a full calendar. These may include lectures, rock concerts, drama, orchestral and choral performances. To ensure the best possible experience for the audience and performers, the acoustics needs to be adjusted for each of these. Thankfully, today's acousticians have a rich set of tools available to meet this challenge. We'll look at the capabilities of both passive and active acoustic systems, and in particular how active systems have made acoustic transformation possible at several venues, in many cases providing results not feasible with physical architecture alone.
Andrew Nagel, Jaffe Holden
Mark Reber, Jaffe Holden
Steve Ellison, Meyer Sound
System Integration – It's more than just two words!"
Experienced industry professionals discuss what System Integration really is. The discussion will focus on both installer's point of view and what is expected by the Specifying Consultant. It will include what works and what doesn't work in writing specifications for these projects.
John Gebbie, Barbizon
Steve Surratt, Texas Scenic
Bill Groener, 4Wall
Bill Ellis, Candela Controls
Greening Initiatives in Theatres: Guerilla Environmentalism and Lovable Buildings
Sustainability initiatives surrounding new construction, retrofitting and facility management of theaters has developed into a hot topic over the last few years. Come hear what experts have to say about their endeavors in the new frontier of greening Theatrical Spaces.
Donyale Werle
Jennifer Hershey, VP of Building Operation at Jujamcyn Theaters
Katie Oman
Immersive Environments and the 21st Century Audience
Exploring the rise of the Mega Club and Interactive Theatre. The fourth wall is coming down as multimedia artists and designers leverage technology to create interactive and immersive experiences for an audience raised on video games. A discussion on this emerging trend and what it means for audiences, performers and the built environment.
Jim Niesel, Theatre Projects Consultants
Dave Rife, Dave & Gabe
Gabe Liberti, Dave & Gabe
Tyler Kicera, TAIT Towers
Dawn Chiang, Theatre Projects Consultants
Networks On Shows and In Venues: What Do You Need to Know?
Do you need Cat 6? Fiber or Copper? Managed switches? When should you use wireless? Certification? Routing? These and other questions will be addressed by a panel of networking experts, and Q&A time will be provided.
John Huntington, New York City College of Technology/Author, Show Networks and Control Systems
Peter Stepniewicz, Principal Show Electronic Engineer, Walt Disney Imagineering
Kevin Loewen, Pathway Connectivity
What the Production Team Wants from a Theatre
The architect is a collaborator in every production in any theater. The architecture most decidedly determines the possibility of lighting positions and hence the design of the lighting as well as that of the sound and scenery. The production team; a director, lighting designer, sound designer and set designer, will discuss their experiences with the effect architecture has had on their work.
Jennifer Tipton, Lighting Designer
Bruce Odland, Sound Designer, Composer
Michael Yeargan, Set Designer
Richard Nelson
Hoist Mechanical Design using ANSI E1.6-1 -2012
ANSI E1.6-1 - 2012, Entertainment Technology; Powered Hoist Systems, establishes requirements for the design, manufacture, installation, inspection, and maintenance of powered hoist systems for lifting and suspension of loads for performance, presentation, and theatrical production. Presenters will discuss some of the underlying principles of the standard and review the basic requirements as they pertain to mechanical design. Some examples of component selection will be offered followed by questions and answers with the audience.
Pete Svitavsky, J. R. Clancy, Inc
Joe Champelli, Entertainment Project Services, LLC
The Lobby : Public Space, Private Club or Part of the Show?
A warm welcome is taken as read; but does your lobby work hard enough for you, your audiences and your artists? Two award-winning theatre architects, Jonathan Marvel and Haworth Tompkins present and discuss their work in forging exemplar lobby spaces in the US and UK. John Owens, Principal of Charcoalblue's New York Studio, chairs the session and brings his own perspective on having toured War Horse and Billy Elliot into a multitude of venues around the world.
Jonathan Marvel, Marvel Architects
Roger Watts, Haworth Tompkins
John Owens, Charcoalblue
Adapting Facilities for use as Performance and Event Spaces
Facilities such as warehouses, industrial buildings, churches, and every other building type imaginable are often repurposed as performance and event spaces. Furthermore, ballrooms and special event spaces are sometimes constructed without infrastructure to support the rigging required by today's events. This session will explore the challenges and solutions in adapting these spaces to accommodate rigging and associated elements for ongoing production use.
Bill Gorlin, McLaren Engineering
Todd Spencer, PSAV
Bill Sapsis , Sapsis Rigging, Inc.
Who's Scope is it Anyway? (The designer/contractor dating game)
In the style of those beloved 70's game shows, forget what your contract says, we ask the question "whose scope is it anyway?" Whether you are a designer, a contractor or a manufacturer in pursuit of the best end product possible we ask and then answer the hard questions that you are dying to know.
David H. Rosenburg, Theatre Projects Consultants
Josephine Márquez, JMarquez Consultants
Jack Hagler, Schuler Shook
Adam Shalleck, Shalleck Collaborative
Stage Design - Go Modular and Avoid Resonant Frequencies!
Details of the stage apron modular retrofit at NYC's Lyric Theater will be presented as well as advice on when to worry about resonance in performance/practice floor design.
Miriam Paschetto, Geiger Engineers, PC
Richard Nix, ZFX Inc.
Brian Busch, Production Resource Group
What you already know: It's all about the programming!
The ESA and ESTA are working together to write standards and to promote them to help people have safe events, whether those events are plays, concerts, fashion shows, rodeos--anything that brings performers and audience together. Key to most of the standards, and certainly to safe event planning, is clearly understanding the nature of the event: what people are putting it on, who the audience is, and how the event will interface with the safety officials (e.g., fire and police) in a community. Really great event venues are designed to go beyond what building codes require to address the broad and varying needs of event planners.
Karl Ruling, ESTA Technical Standards Program
Jim Digby, Event Safety Alliance
Donald Cooper, Architect
The Joy of Flex: Measuring the Value of Flexible Theatres
Yes, they can be configured – but are our "Black Boxes" and configurable drama theatres providing sufficient artistic value for their operational costs? Two theatre consultants and an artistic director will examine tough questions related to flexible venues.
Todd Hensley, Schuler Shook
Millie Dixon, Theatre Projects Consultants
Jeffrey Horowitz, Theatre for a New Audience
Liability and the Design Professional: What are the exposures, real and imagined?
A discussion on the impact of standards on duty of care, insurance, client/designer communications, contract provisions and ways to minimize risk (practical as much as legal).
David Saltiel, Esq. Golan & Christie, LLP
Jules Lauve, Theatre Projects Consultants
Jack Hagler, Schuler Shook Theatre Planners
Modern Engineering in Old Broadway Theatres
Peter Donovan
Robert Long
Neil Mazzella
Challenges of specifying and installing modern rigging equipment.
Mark Ager, Stage Technologies/TAIT
Nils Becker, Electronic Theatre Controls
And One for All: Making road houses and multifunction rooms work
What happens when the client wants a venue that can present a musical, straight theatre, boxing, civic receptions, circus, local dance schools, cinema, the football club's annual dinner, the touring symphony orchestra, a rock band and an out of town convention – some of these in the same day. As designers and as operators, we fit 'em all in and make the place work well.
Craig Gamble, Marshall Day Entertech
Gary McCluskie, Principal, Diamond Schmitt Architects
Theater Design Compliance Issues: OSHA, EPA, LEED, ASHRAE, & more
Monona Rossol, Acts, Crafts and Theatre Safety, Inc.
Eddie Raymond, ESTA
Plenary: The Way Forward. What does the future look like for performance spaces in North America?
Two leading design firms offer their views on the form and function of performance spaces in the coming years.
Raj Patel: ARUP
Tyler Kicera, TAIT Towers